Upcoming Events in 2018:
February 3: Bigleaf Maple Syrup workshop – 12-4pm in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by Salal, the Cascadian Food Institute. We will take a tour of Abe’s small-scale sugar-bush operation, review equipment needs, practice tapping trees, and discuss tree physiology as it relates to sap flow. Participants will get a chance to experience every step of the process, from tree to syrup. Cost is $40/person. Contact abe@cascadianfood.net for details and to register.
April 21: Springtime Edibles of Western Washington – 10am-3pm in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by Salal, the Cascadian Food Institute. In this hands-on workshop, Abe will cover harvesting and preparation of seasonally available wild shoots, roots, and greens. Cost is $50/person. Click here for more information and registration.
April 28-29: Wild Edible Foods of Southern Vancouver Island in Victoria, BC. Join Abe in this 10-hour course covering springtime wild foods available in both urban and rural environments. The course includes identification skills, field trips, uses, and hands-on preparation of dozens of food. Hosted by Royal Roads University’s Continuing Studies program. Register here.
June 3-7: Society of Ethnobiology Conference in Madison, WI. This is a great place to meet scholars working with indigenous communities and learn about their research. More info here.
Date TBD: Native Fiber Plants – 10am-4pm in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by Salal, the Cascadian Food Institute. Roots, shoots, twigs, barks, and seed fluff all produce valuable fibers for cordage, clothing, and mats. In this workshop, Abe will harvest fiber materials that are available in the spring, and cover basic cordage and weaving techniques. Cost is $60/person. Contact abe@cascadianfood.net for details and to register.
Ethnobotanist Abe Lloyd is available to instruct courses, provide lectures, facilitate workshops, and lead field trips on request. Below are areas of special interest and experience. Contact Abe to make arrangements.
University Courses:
- Ethnobotany, (Anth 150) Whatcom Community College. Spring.
Wetland plant ID class learning sedges in a pristine fen
- Wild Foods, Royal Roads University, Continuing Studies. Spring and Summer
- Biocultural Diversity of Nepal (FAIR 437E), Western Washington University, Fairhaven College. Fall
- Wetland Plant Identification (ESCI 497W), Western Washington University, Huxley College of the Environment. Summer
- Natural History (ESCI 330), Western Washington University. Spring & Summer
- Indigenous Systems of Environmental Stewardship (FAIR 334), Western Washington University, Fairhaven College. Occasional Winters
- Traditional systems of land and resource management on the Northwest Coast
- Growing roots, the effect of Kwakwaka’wakw management on the productivity of edible estuarine salt marsh root vegetables
- Processing and eating acorns
- Indigenous fibers, making things from roots, barks, leaves, and stems
- Indigenous cooking methods: techniques for cooking in earthen pit ovens and cedar bentwood boxes
- Constructing bentwood boxes
- Growing wapato
- Harvesting and cooking camas (2 day workshop)
Field trips:
- Wild edible plants
- Wild edible mushrooms
- Ethnobiology of the Pacific Northwest
- Natural history of the Pacific Northwest